Happy Tuesday, the services queen -Eva work here today.
Hawaii health spa
#7, 3110 kingston rd. Scarborough m1m 1p2

: 4162618088
Yes, Eva really surprised me today! Here we go:
One elderly customer came see Eva, I alway jok him that he is too old to cum, yes, it is true, but he always come to me to get a bj, even no cum, he still feel satisfied, I introduced Eva to him last Thursday, he came here early in the morning waiting for Eva to be the first customer today.
Eva never failed her bj since she work here, I told Eva "this customer is too old to cum, do you still want to have a try? if you do it and fail , it will ruin your 100% successful bj history, do you still want to have a try?"
The answer is yes!
Yes, Eva made it! And Eva did another customer bj successfully today too! The Philippine girl couldn't make these two customers cum ever, Eva really surprised me!
Yes, Eva's non-stop-thythmical bj is really unbelievable

Wellcome to our spa to get a professional massage and a satisfied happy ending, your happiness and healthiness are our priority goals and
thank you very much for your caring and supporting
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