2200 hours RMT, customized and very kind therapist, has been working at massage clinic for more than ten years. I work part time at a very clean and comfortable work place where located in my private resident in Shawnessy SW of Calgary. Specializes: in Therapeutic, deep tissue, meridian massage, reflective massage, cupping, hot stone .
Treatment for: Numbness of limes, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Sciatic Pain, Headache, Frozen shoulder, Tennis Elbow, stiff neck, upper and lower back pain, foot pain and much more…
Price: 30 min----------$50+GST 45min------------$65+GST 60 min---------- $80+ GST 75 min ---------- $100+GST 90 min-----------$120+GST Cash or Debit or Visa/Credit Card are all accepted Receipt is accepted by all insurances. Direct billing is available for most insurances. Hours: Weekdays: 9:00pm to 8 :00pm Weekends and statutory holidays: 9:00 am to 7:00pm
For more information, please call /text me at 403 400 5706 Text me works best for me. Blocked calls are not necessary, by appointment only.