Magic takes place here, with my hands while you are relaxed!

Magic takes place here, with my hands while you are relaxed!


Hello everyone!

Magical massage therapies are here! More affordable than ANYWHERE. My whole point of all this is to make the service affordable for more people and more importantly, affordable to get it MORE OFTEN. Male massage therapist, who will come to you, your choice of music on, your choice of product used on your body. You tell me the technique you need and we get it done like no one has ever done it before.

Rates, appointment time and all that can be discussed in a private message and we'll make it work. First timer women, only WOMEN because I've got lots of male customers already and need more females for my preference, 90 minutes service will be totally free, absolutely no charge! Hope to hear from you guys soon!

You can reach me at: (587) 315-4738 See you soon!
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[FOX] Ultimate Translator