Massage in Cochrane

Massage in Cochrane


With the cold weather coming, we people tend to curl up, gain weight, avoid workouts, and generally get more sad and fragile. There is a trick, though, how to prevent all of these habits. You need a massage! That’s a wonderful treatment, which the humankind has been using for thousands of years to feel good. I invite you to try this form of body work with me, Darya Baranova, Registered Massage Therapist, in Cochrane at Masahe studio. Hot stones massage is a fall thing for the massage lovers, as much as a pumpkin spice latte is. I do Swedish relaxation massage with a Caribbean hint of craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, trigger points work, deep tissue massage, lymphatic drainage, and cupping. Muscles injuries recovery. Aside from the massage you need, I will be happy to help with the different types of stretching and workout advices. Please, book me at

Available times would be the following: Tuesdays 2-7 pm, Wednesdays 2-7 pm, Thursdays 10 am-3 pm, Saturdays 10am-3pm.

Direct billing is available.
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