Restorative and relaxing MASSAGE

Restorative and relaxing MASSAGE



Are you stressed and tense from long days at the office? Do you carry a lot of responsibility and need a relaxing escape? Do you have a physically demanding job? You have come to The right place. If you are looking for an awesome massage look no further. (THIS IS NON-SEXUAL)

I am a masseuse, advanced Reiki healer, spiritual awakening coach and intuitive counsellor. I offer a high level of care and treat my clients like family. My treatments are healing, relaxing, stress relieving and empowering. I do a combination of deep tissue, detox and relaxation massage. I use aromatherapy, sound therapy and Reiki healing. I also offer hot stone by request. This treatment is non-sexual. It is my passion and purpose to help men feel safe, heard, and to support in the release of trauma while naturally facilitating the connection with their authentic selves and Divine Masculinity.

If you are looking to calm anxiety, feel nurtured, relieve pain, stress and indulge in some much-needed self-care, book with me.

****OFF PEAK HOURS SPECIAL ***** 70 minutes for $70 dollars! Tuesday-Thursday 10am-2pm.

FIRST booking receive 90 Minutes for the price of one hour ($100)

$100 an hour: regular rate.

I offer a money back guarantee on all of my treatments, let’s make sure I am the practitioner for you!

Please call for any questions. MY SESSIONS ARE NON-SEXUAL . Namaste 236-992-1593 Kara
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