** STRICTLY PROFESSIONAL** Serene Touch Mobile Massage inc. is now accepting new clients in Calgary, Airdrie, Chestermere, Okotoks and Cochrane! You don’t have to fight any traffic AND nothing comes out of your pocket, total win win! Get your benefits used up before they reset in the new year! We have knowledgeable, professional, trained, licensed and insured RMT’s specializing in deep tissue, therapeutic, injury treatment/prevention, sports therapy, pre/post natal, headache treatment and relaxation. Rates are: $100/60minutes $125/75minutes $150/90minutes $200/120minutes
ADD ONS: Cupping $15 Hot Stones $15 Cold stone facial massage $10
For any additional information, questions and/or bookings- Call or text Ally at (403)-466-1239 and feel free to check us out on Facebook at Serene Touch Mobile Massage inc. ! We look forward to treating you!