Thai Yoga massage and Buddhist Med.Foot Massage  $90 /hr +HST

Thai Yoga massage and Buddhist Med.Foot Massage $90 /hr +HST


Book a one hour thai yoga foot massage or thai yoga massage treatment with All Covid 19 Protocols. Masks are Mandatory and we have the right to refuse treatment to anyone not following the Covid Protocols . We also follow physical distancing and at this time will only work on the head and neck area in the Prone Position to protect both clients and staff. Or have a compination treatment of foot massage and thai yoga massage.

Thai Yoga Massage is done fully clothed on a yoga mat or table.

We also have workshops to teach these traditions .

We will only book for those who give their full name, phone number and address.

Any sexual harassment of staff will be reported immediately. This is a therapeutic treatment only and all clients remain fully clothed and dressed.

Our staff are fully trained healthcare professionals and Yoga therapists , RMT and Advanced Reflexology practitioners. Please note that this is not massage and not yoga but a very old medical practice that is thousands of years old. Western tourists incorrectly gave it these names but it is not either.

We give receipts for insurance and tax purposes but we do not do direct billing and it is up to each patient to make sure their Insurance Plan provides coverage. It is too costly and timely for us to do this for you. We are covered by most of the major Insurance Companies ITTM , ITB and Sen Point , Accupressure therapies. Companies like Blue Cross

* Please note it has come to our attention that the Reflexology Association of Canada has been practising religious bigotry and other forms of human rights and financial and emotional abuses on reflexologists who are not certain religions. We are appaulled by these human rights abuses on reflexologists and denounce the Board of Directors for their grotesque violations of human rights and dignities of healthcare practitioners during this time of COVID 19. Our practitioners have over 30 years of experience in healthcare. We fully denounce the types of human rights abuses practiced by the Reflexology Association of Canada. We are grateful to the Premier of Ontario's office and the Ontario government for upholding the dignity and human rights of people of minority religious groups and ethnic groups in Ontario and for the companies that also uphold fairness and equity in professions. Fair Practices in Professions . We support Equity and Fairness for our Professionals.
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