Travelling ?  A massage makes it better! Deep SE, Male CMT

Travelling ? A massage makes it better! Deep SE, Male CMT


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Benefits of Massage Therapy when Travelling: -Reduces stress of travelling before, during and after -Reduces jet-lag by helping you to sleep upon your return -Rids the body of toxins, increases your circulation, and detoxes your lymph glands -Alleviates sore and tight muscles caused by travelling in small, cramped spaces -Improves immune function, important when traveling in new cities and countries and have contact with thousands of other travellers -Therapeutic touch in massage grounds and balances you, so you are connected to your feelings again, and not trapped in your thoughts. See last paragraphs for contact information. BEFORE, DURING & AFTER From planning and packing, to flying and driving, the toll of travel can negatively impact your physical body and mental attitude. Massage is the most effective therapy for traveller's mind, body and soul. BEFORE TRAVEL Whether you travel by plane, train, or automobile, sitting for extended periods of time is going to take a toll on your body physically. You begin to feel your shoulders, neck, back, and legs tighten up. It may be difficult to make it through long hours of traveling with painful muscles screaming out for relief. If you get a massage a few days before beginning your travels (or even at the airport prior to your flight) your muscles will be loosened and will experience less tension. Having a massage before travelling increases circulation making the tiny leg space or cramped car a little easier to manage. When planning a trip it is easy to find yourself overwhelmed, stressed out, and anxious. While it's easy to lose yourself in the stress of travel details, massage therapy greatly reduces stress levels. While you might be spending every waking hour before travel thinking of everything you need to buy, pack, or set-up, it is wise to find an hour of time to have a massage to drive your stress levels down, relax your body and mind. It allows you to actually enjoy the trip. DURING TRAVEL While traveling, it is very common to find yourself feeling under the weather and run down. It is much easier to catch a virus or cold when you are in small areas with lots of people, touching objects that many others have touched, having a change in diet, and having an altered sleep schedule. While washing hands and keeping hands away from the mouth are effective ways to lessen the likelihood of getting sick, massage therapy has been proven to reduce toxins from the body. "When you receive massage or bodywork, cell waste (which is already in your system) gets released at a more rapid rate than normal. " Massage therapy will aide your body in ridding the harmful toxins that may find you on your travels. AFTER TRAVEL Massage therapy after traveling also has great health benefits. When returning from your trip you may have tightness and knots where they didn't exist before. Often times traveling includes many hours of walking, sightseeing, walking through airports, walking to meetings, etc. resulting in strained muscles. Massage therapy has been shown to aid in jet lag. According to an article on Shizuka New York, "Reflexology targets the central nervous system and pineal gland which produces the melatonin needed for healthy sleep-wake cycles." Let massage therapy ease you back into your regular sleep schedule. Next time you are planning your travels, remember to schedule time for a massage. Whether the massage is before, during, or after your travels, your body will thank you for the self-care. ____________ I'm available for calls at my studio, or I am mobile and can come to your hotel/home. Call Michael at 403-922-7109 for information or to book. $80/1 hr, $120/90 minute or $160/2 hrs + travel fee for mobile calls
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