Here goes another FR and probably the second last after which I will go for a break ...
Left office a bit early and started for nerul .. reached the gates of heaven

Kishore arnd 6 .. thanks to bro MK for agreeing to give me company ... We went in and sat ... MK was with his item... nIki.. I was casually sitting... the very next sit Poonam and her Sister was sitting.. POO was dancing in her hot Nbr and started teasing me and showed me signs she is coming down... In between Kajal came and said hi and sat beside... generally everyday she will come and sit with me for sometime, nice cool girl bit childish... Poonam watching this strted making faces for which Kajal got upset and complianed Niki and started asking me why is she doing like this... Btw in between Niki (Nikita) was dancing in some hot nbrs with her moves... Believe me she is damn good dancer I bet she is the best in Kishore..a short stay of 30-45 mins and we decided to move on ... While going I signed off Ponaam to come out.. she followed me and in the passage near the kitchen... she hugged and started DFk.. manager interupted and asked her get inside and do for which she pulled me in the other room.. told me u came in the wrong time.. I handed over 500 bucks and had a wild smooch... She gave her Nbr and we departed...
We then went into Mayur... Must accept nice ambience proper sitting arrangements .. the advantage of going with MK is u get a grand welcome and treatment.. Mayur was no exception... MK settled with her item.. she is a gorgeous bong chick cute face .. there came couple of gals somehow I wasn't able to concentrate.. lol... Suddenly I saw a pretty face .. girl from MP .. called her and then checked if she goes down ... And we went down... She ordered breZer.. started off with mild folding .. she doesn't kiss strted pressing for entry and telling entry me Karti Hu .. handed over 500 bucks and told do it here.. anyways she was throwing tatrums started asking me to tip her moti sister and all those nonsense, I got pissed off and asked her to leave.. for which she got scared and aap abhi meri burai karoge .. I said nothing like that.. and came up.. there MK was sitting with 3 apsaras ..

and was getting a king treatment... There came another bong gal and she sat with me was surprised to see she understands English.. asked for another breezer and did some chit chat..and finally headed for Rasna.. to my utter surprise the moment MK entered gals started clinching as if SRK entered ... There was an awesome dancer R@@@ who sat beside appeared to be know resemble of MK , in between Apsana and other girls keep coming ... Apsana came and hugged me and kissed...gave her some 200 bucks found Kri**** the othr chick gave her 300 bucks ... Btw P**** came and sat ordered for beer we started off with chit chat.. she told she doesn't go to SP and Amzed alrdy confirmed she does not go entry frequent ... P**** said she will come down to hotel and asked me to book one and tell her after the 10:30 .. she even asked me aap kitna doge I ask how much u want after a lot of thinking she said 5k .. I smiled and said it's fine

honestly I was in a mood to pay more as well... In between R*** kept dancing in awesome beets and MK was shredding off twenties and all the gals eyes were locked in our table.. and men on R### after all awesome dance ... We finally departed .. being new to town.. MK bro guided me to a decent hotel.. before booking the hotel I called P**** and told her I am booking if she is fine to come down for which she said Ys she is starting from Ransa.. hotel got booked and said good bye to MK .. btw thanks to MK bro for the kind of help he did.. we were almost stranger just 2 week s back but he was with me being a party to my adventure.. where as he had to woke up tmw @ 4 and had some work... Thanks bro !!
Btw climax is pending.. what follows next is KLPD... Bong guys can relate to this term "KLPD" in normal term it's call chuttiya banana .. she didnt picked up when I msged on the whatap after 30 mins she said I am sry

.. btw I know lot of ppl will say that was a bad call.. but that's the gamble I have to take consider ING she doesn't go to SP... And believe me She deserves the gamble considering she gorgeous.. had I been here for another couple of weeks I wud hv gambled couple of chances more.. but ys this time the adventure for P**** end s with KLPD..

.. btw big bro MK gave his expert tips before departing..that if she doesnt comes don't get upset just chill and sleep ... Experience speaks ... In between Amzed called and asked if she turned up ... When he got know she didn't turned up started insisting if he will arrange for some other gal but by that time mood was off.. I took a short nap and headed for goregoan arnd 1 PM...
Damages were severe
MK should have shredded some odd 10K or more ..
My damages goes as below
NIki 400
Kajal 200
My sweetheart Ponaam 500
Drinks bill 640
MP girl 500 + 500 breezer
Bong girl 500
R@@@ 400
The other day chick 300
P**** ( Miss Ditch

) 1000
Apsana 300
Amzed 300
Drink bill 3500
KLPD lodge 1500 - the guy was considerate to give me a discount of 500 as the gal didn't turn up
Frnds I had been sharing some awesome experience so thought of sharing the stupid one as well... This is one of such nights when things doesn't turn ur way
Happy Mongering !!