Known Reviewer
Why not to post bhai.. this is really really amazing post you have posted here for all we mongers who are wasting our hard earned money and valued time!!I dont know whether it is appropriate to write this post here ... but anyways i ll write it . This isn't any FR, Not asking anybody to quit mongering just want to share what i feel right now .
I was addicted to porn and masturbation for quite a few years ... almost masturbated every day till 21 yrs of my life then i heard about nofap challenge and binge watched lot of videos on no fap and started the no fap challenge and somehow i over came my habit of porn and masturbation ...then came the sex part in life ... fucked a couple of girls with the charm and skill ( but you cannot get free sex all the time ) started visiting navalkar lane ( once in two months , not frequently ) and then came this forum to fuck up my life again making me addicted to mongering ... . making me think about sex all the time ... making me waste my pocket money on girls ... i have visited indies , SB'S , MP'S , DB'S , OB'S , navalkar lane innumerable number of times since i became a member on this forum ... i have wasted so much of money, time and energy which could have been invested in some important aspects of life and yeah along with risk of getting an Life treathening STD's . So now I know this won't take me any where in life .It's better to get rid of this and move ahead in life .
So I will request newbies to stay away from this forum or else tempting FR's on this forum will fuck up your hormones .
When you read such erotic Fr's your brain goes into Beta state where no brain activity is taking place and you can easily get stimulated and influenced which leads to irresistible urges.
after spending decent amount of time in this forum and a bit of experience i would like to conclude that mankind is better without this forum and this forum should be discarded .
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You are so great person and I like your post and agree with 200%.

Guys, please also start posting FR's on sex addiction losses and what helped you in past to get out from addictions from your vast experiences. It could be good or bad FR but please keep posting!!
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