Yeah of course you meant to brag

. You were just bustin to tell the Massage Planet minions Lol.
I'll even give you your KUDOS

But guess what, you just SHOT the HELL out of the Cecilia intrigue. BLEW it to bits.
I guess we can tamp down on the HYPE. Puss is out of the bag.
You should have DMed me instead. But hey your MP creds are more important.
Next time I go see her guess what I will be expecting ?. If she don't give it up, interest goes to zero. Just kidding she is a nice girl anyway.
Bro I have been this game on and off for 25 years.
I am not surprised you got to home plate after "2" tries.
You would be foolish to think you POPPED her SPA CHERRY. Might be a few guys coming out of the proverbial woodwork to make that claim
As I had mentioned in a previous post, she knows how to play the game. I knew it was a game. The good ones do that.
BTW and not to brag

I have hit home runs in my first at bat with 5 other MPAs since seeing Cecelia a few weeks ago. And they were all nice.
For me that is pretty good.
Gotta thank you. Using XTC word "Prolly" same me some money.