@20917 baby

I’m so sorry you go through this bad experience. Of course this is not me. Not chubby not short. Other girls in spa steal my name and my clients. Hard to control their actions. If I busy with clients other girls will take advantage. Very sorry for this.
The new chubby short girl is Hellen. Very bad service she only care for money not for client. I want Hellen to succeed but not by lying and cheating clients. She is new, she is needing to learn how to give better service to clients and not being money hungry. Give good service can make money long run. Give poor service can only make money for that day. I hope Hellen can learn and be great one day. You know job of spa girls, always money money and take or steal clients. This no good, need to be professional and caring for clients, work hard, don’t cut corners and don’t look for easy fast money. I working long time, only hard work and good service can bring success.
So sorry again baby

I hope you can come back and see me one day. Actions of other girls in this spa I can’t control, I can just try to be great and give good service. If other girls lie and say my name I’m sorry in advance. I know this is no good for spa, no good for me and no good for the girls also lying. I can only control what I do baby
Maybe if you need to book then maybe message me directly here private message with time and name. I try to check here more often. Maybe this can stop fake girls. Again my humble apologies
@20917 for your bad experience. I hope see you one day and make you forget your time with fake girl.