asian sexy babe

  1. R

    Etransfer deposits at Asian Sexy Babe?

    Has anyone ever encountered a situation where you're trying to book a MPA (in this case MPAs through the website Asian Sexy Babe - Home | Asian Sexy Babe) and the booking agent is asking for a upfront deposit for new customers? Firstly, I'm not a big fan of this as I would like to see the...
  2. Frank Underwood

    Review Rebecca @ Asian Sexy Babe

    This will be the first review of a series of reviews covering the entire roster of Asian Sexy Babe. They have been around for a while now, and at some point had some great choices, but based on my recent experiences of their entire roster, it feels like they are now becoming the TDL of the Asian...
  3. Frank Underwood

    Review Lisa @ Asian Sexy Babe

    As promised, here is my next review on the series covering the entire roster of ASB. I am not saying that every girl at ASB is terrible, but by my standards most of them are bad, pretty bad. I will save the good experiences for last for the end of the series, hope you guys enjoy figuring out...
  4. Frank Underwood

    Review Rosalie @ Asian Sexy Babe

    I would like to continue my ASB series by posting a review about the one girl that I actually enjoyed; but before I get into the review I have to make a special dedication to my online stalker. This guy has taken it upon himself to start messaging other posters about his conspiracy theories...
  5. Frank Underwood

    Review Aurora @ Asian Sexy Babe

    I have been incredibly busy putting together a deal for my company in order to secure a modest paycheck for myself, so I have not had time to sit down and write about my wolf adventures. I closed the deal, and now I can relax and do what I like most, fuck and talk escorts. By the way, forgive me...
  6. G

    Asian Sexy Babe

    Hey guys! I recently came across Asian Sexy Babe while browsing the internet. After view the ladies on the site, I would really like to give it a try. However, when I called to book an appointment, I was told that I'm unable to do so without a reference. That said, has anyone tried this place...
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