pure spa

  1. Evad

    Review Maze @ Premier / Pure Spa

    https://premierspas.com/attendants/Maze/ The pictures are accurate, though I think she looks even better in person. She has a great physique; a slim, mid-20s woman with a lovely presence. She is polite, well-mannered, and comes across as a genuinely kind person. Out of all the women I’ve met...
  2. Evad

    Review Stella @ Premier / Pure Spa

    https://premierspas.com/attendants/Stella/ Blonde woman UK born raised here, in her pictures she is not as skinny as shown but they are reasonably accurate, she has a nice figure in person, she wore glasses when I saw her Services received (your mileage may vary): Massage Kissing Fingering...
  3. Evad

    Review Stephanie @ Premier / Perla / Pure / Sensa Spa

    https://premierspas.com/attendants/Stephanie/ 40 minute session Pictures are accurate I would say She is a fit Filipina woman, I liked her body type, I also like women with smaller breasts (which she has) Services I received were: Massage LFK BJ (not saying if CBJ or BBBJ, I don't want to...
  4. O

    Review Mimi at Premier

    I finally decided to give Mimi a try and it was a very pleasant experience. When Mimi came into the room with the white dress, my jaw dropped, this is the perfect body i was looking for, the dress is similar to the one on the website but i think the blury picture doesnt do her justice. Her...
  5. Urbangigalo

    Premier Spa locations Retro /Modern Teir Ladies Pricing

    With the new location Sensa Spa, the price increase has discouraged some of you from going to the land of bbbj. I have complied a list of ladies that prices are still fare. I can only vouche for one lady providing amazing bbbj at the retro price more or less close to to $150 we used to pay but...
  6. H

    Review Stephanie @ Premier Spa

    Sup Dudes, Long time lurker, thought I'd share a wicked session I had recently, with Stephanie. I showed up to Pure on a random Saturday, and asked to see the lineup. I met a few girls, but Stephanie stood out to me because she exudes confidence and has a fun personality. Not to mention...
  7. octoSmash

    Review Kira @ Pure Spa

    First time reviewer. I know I’m new so doesn’t carry any weight. https://premierspas.com/attendants/Kira/ Decided to toftt pictures looked good and I was curious. I was showering she came in and sat down poking around her phone for a bit. Came out of the shower and shared some pleasantries...
  8. M

    Pure Spa Massage - Walthamstow - 07857858929

    We are truly pleased to invite you to a world of pampering and complete relaxation, where each and every muscle of your tense body will be paid maximum attention, in order to release pain and rejuvenate the body and spirit. Book your appointment now and let the everyday city stress drift...
  9. J

    Latina recommendations

    Been a while since i went for an appointment. Shoot me with some recommondations, im really into latinas with pretty face and a fat ass.
  10. Blue_jays_fan11

    Question Madison @ Pure Spa ?

    What happened and where is she now ? Is she back as indy or went to a new spa ? Anybody knows
  11. S

    Review Salma at Pure Spa

    This session was so-so. Salma was very late for the appointment. She was talkative in a rambling way. Maybe she was high or something. The massage part was ok. She offered extras like bbbj and cfs. I didn't feel much chemistry with her so probably won't repeat.
  12. P

    Anybody been with Kendra from Pure spa recently?

    Anybody had the chance to meet with Kendra from pure spa? She has returned as Kendra who was going by Jazzy before she left late last year. No recent reviews as of yet, her pictures look amazing. https://premierspas.com/attendants/Kendra/
  13. J

    First time experience

    I went to for the first time around feb and went for the 40 min massage. It was alot of fun as the girl was actually kind of cool and was easy to conversate it with and it wasnt so awkward. She didnt even start with a massage just went right at me when she walked in. I later went for fs when she...
  14. C

    Review YURI @ Pure spa

    Walked in @ pure today and saw Yuri , all natural, beautiful and hot Pinay really my type...she's quite new but we clicked immediately...she's on fire from beginning to end....got into intimate talk and knew we're in same region back home so we really liked each other...thank you Yuri u made my...
  15. V

    Larissa @ Pure spa

    Hi folks, was wondering has anyone seen Larissa @ pure recently and if so what is the menu? thanks
  16. D

    New girls at pure spa

    Anyone seen these new girls at pure spa? Cleo Eveline Larissa Kayla Bianca. All of them no pics.
  17. D

    Mysterious screams and hallowering of the halls of pure spa.

    On many visits to the spa occasionally mysterious sound of exotic pleasures can be heard through the halls and rooms and its not always the girl lol. What y'all muthe fuckers doing in there? Lol sounds like the girl taking your souls.
  18. J

    Who should I see?

    Ive got some $ to spend and Ive never been to an erotic spa before. So far I want to go check out premier spas as i heard it is professional and clean. My type is big tits and ass that can give a good blowjob. Currently im thinking about seeing Estela, Chantel, Kourtney or Gigi. Does anyone have...
  19. M

    seduction spa / pure spa / premier spa

    I am kind of disenchanted with AMP so looking to try one of these luxury spas. I like white chucks so hoping to get a good experience here. Which of these spas has better service and what is the general feedback? I like DFK from a white chick. Can anyone suggest a good looking girl from any one...
  20. P

    Question Estela at Pure spa

    First time going to any massage parlour, decided on estela at perla. Just going off her pictures she looks nice but has anyone been with her recently? Seen a few reviews but none that confirm if she looks nice facially. Also would anyone recommend this spa over Vaughan spa as I'm looking to go...