
  1. B

    Poll What to do if the SP's snatch reeks?

    I've had the misfortune of experiencing 2 stanky snatches in the past few weeks. WTF, don't they know it smells. I feel like dowsing myself in Lysol afterwards and burn all clothing. What would you do to get rid of the stench? Should I tell them or would their feelings be hurt? It's not like...
  2. D

    something smells fishy

    WTF - Steeles, Blue lagoon. 3 attendants over the last 3 months - partook in the FS, spread the legs and got a good whiff of the wharf FOR THE LOVE OF ALLAH please wash your money maker so it dont stink of fish FFS. If your gonna offer digits and FS, fuck clean it. 2 otherwise good MPAs now...
  3. M

    Which Madam M Massage Course Should You Choose in Final Fantasy 7 Remake - Game Rant

    In Final Fantasy 7 Remake's Chapter 9, players will have to make several difficult choices, one of which is selecting between three different massage courses. Indeed, fans will need to choose if they want to purchase Madam M's Luxury Course, Standard Course, or Poor Man's Course, and this...
  4. ChaosFactor

    State of services in Edmonton - Rant!

    Alright boys time for a rant! In the thread Casual Massage the topic of supply and demand came up and that is funny because last night I was bored and scanning Leolist and was amazed. If you look under escorts it seemed to me that the current rates (for any non Asian girl) are ridiculous! $280...
  5. felixami

    My micro rant...

    ...getting really tired of paying $250-ish. Don't get me wrong, these ladies are fine as hell. But I no longer want to pay that much. Not sure what happened to me? I just booked a luxury vacation down south, buying my first luxury sports convertible and moving into a small mansion - all this...
  6. TheKWguy

    My Hygiene rant (half blitzed)

    This is like my 2nd tall can of Pabst, it's been a day of disappointments but also some good things at the end. The 2nd can is telling me to rant because people don't remember that your asking to see Massage Parlour girls. Yes they may provide extras, yes they may provide things you get at a...
  7. T

    Flirt VP Rant

    So I go into Flirt at VP this past week and saw two ladies that I'm interested in so I thought I'd try a duo. The receptionist wants to charge me $250 instead of the $220 advertised rates on the website. I mentioned how the website says $220 but she says "oh the owner just never updated it."...
  8. O

    A short rant about baby oil

    Am I the only person that hates this stuff? it stained. it also has an undeniable odor. if, as I do, you have to go back home to a SO that is not cool with hobbying, it is the kiss of death. Thoughts or just me?
  9. L

    My morning rant

    I have a few. Do you? Are these yours too?. You got any other?. Just pissed me off when we were having dinner with friends. Yeeeeek, will never ever see them again. Do not blow your nose while I am eating If you really must blow your nose while I am eating, please, oh please, go to the...
  10. B

    My rant. What happened to the real men?

    True story: Had to go out for dinner with two other couples. My partner's old girlfriends that she had not seen for years (All in our mid 40's). Started of in a fun way, hello to you, kissy kissy how has it been blah blah... One dude's phone rings and he says 'Hayloo". I look at him and said...
  11. K

    A Rant!!! about moving

    I keep reminding myself that moving shouldn't seem like that big of a deal, what with it being my third *$&^#%@! one in three years, second one long-distance. But this morning I found my mind spinning so fast with details that I couldn't even focus. So I sat down and made a list, thinking that...
  12. S

    Saturday night rant

    Warning, this is self indulgent drivel, I have a more interesting post coming up... OK, I've spent the last couple of days at the Brisbane Writers Festival, and picked up an issue of 'Scribble' which is the festival newsletter, just this morning. Reviewont page article is on Andrew Stmpford...
  13. Y

    Annoyed and want a quick rant

    Hi everyone, I'll apologise in advance as this is just a quick rant because I've had enough of dodgy clients the last 2 weeks. I don't know if I'm being niave or if I just expect everyone to be honest but I'm fed up of male (sorry guys) spinning me a story, half the time which I believe, half...
  14. ?

    Rant time... Life's little irritations... (Joke)

    1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is? 2. People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the tv remote because they refuse to...
  15. L

    My RANT!!! about Maintenance

    omg, I'm so damn sick of it. :mad: Last night it was hard to sleep, because my hair spent the night soaking in a lovely conditioner/oil combo. I didn't want to do it but I had to, because well-conditioned hair takes color better and I had an appointment this morning. So while I was washing it...
  16. I


    Hi everyone Im at the end of my tether (just about)! Ive got terrible stiffness and pain in my upper back, shoulders and neck. The muscles around the area feel like rocks and are not responding to massage or regular reiki treatments at all. After massage or reiki there is no reduction in...
  17. L

    My rant for the day: software developers

    Ok, so this is my beef: Who the fuck are these people and how the fuck do their brains work? (or not work as the case may be). I'm learning a new software program for my cnc. It says "make component" I make component. Put component into the model tree. I put the component in the model tree...
  18. S

    WARNING!!! Rant coming!

    Okay, For months, if not years now I have been trying to figure out you guys and your ridiculous standards that you judge women by. Not just on this board, but on the others that I have visited as well. Many have picked out major flaws, not to mention countless minor ones that (in my opinion)...
  19. S

    My rant. Who is pissed at the Municipality people.

    Last night took me two hours to get home because of the small snow storm we had. Did not see many trucks salting the roads at all. This morning coming from the west end it was hell. The 401 was a mess. Why didn't they salt the highways, Who is to blame. There, I feel better. but if I would have...
  20. J


    I've just had a client for reflexology and she brought her Mum along too, perhaps for safety as she has never been before, which is fair enough. But between them they hadn't brought enough money to pay for the treatment and so expected a discount. I had already given the treatment as I only deal...
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