It all depends if you are collecting money or doing barder, then you have to have a business license, at least. Since Florida does not have State licensing, it does not mean there is a free-for-all unregulated situation in regard to massage. What it means is that every municipality has the responsibility of making their own laws regarding massage.
This varies by locality, but in most places in Florida you will need to complete some form of licensing requirement to practice massage, in addition to the regular business license. Any such licensing will require a Certified Massage Therapist certificate from a properly approved school.
If you are uncertified, it is not wise to practice massage professionally even if this is not illegal in your location. Every type of massage has certain contraindications and can cause harm to certain individuals in certain situations. You will not be able to get liability insurance without proper credentials.
Even if you familiarize yourself with the safety information, providing massage in exchange for money opens you to legal exposure. You don't have to actually hurt someone to end up as the defendant in a lawsuit. This can potentially bankrupt you whether or not you prevail in court.