Carrying out massages at home with luxury massage oils in tow is a guaranteed way to elevate your next night in. Forget what you thought you knew: massages don't just have to be carried out in-salon – and they aren't just an indulgent pastime saved for those once-in-a-blue-moon occasions that you have a little extra money to spend on self-care and a few-too-many knots in your shoulders.
Great for relieving tension and helping your body recover if you're active, massages should be carried out regularly if you're active. What's more, massage also boasts countless mental health benefits. According to Nadege Louvet, Urban's Global Head of Community and a Quality and Massage Therapist with more than fifteen years' of experience, it "reduces the symptoms of anxiety, stress and insomnia by reducing the levels of our stress hormone cortisol, and increases the production of endorphins which gives your mood a boost.
“It can also stimulate the autonomic system,” she continued, “which regulates our involuntary body functions by lowering down the heart rate, digestion, breathing. A massage can also boost blood flow and supports your lymphatic system that fight infection and illness.”
That's before we even consider the fact that carrying out massage at home will help you feel closer to your partner, both physically and mentally. The moral of the story? If you can't afford to spend on massage at your local spa on the reg, massage at home is something we should all be getting on board with. And the best massage oils will help to take things to the next level.
“A massage oil helps the hands to glide without friction on the muscles,” Nadege told us, helping you achieve smooth movements over the body. “Organic oils are always a good option, things like Grapeseed oil are natural, safe for people with nut allergies, and not too expensive.”
“Urban pros will often use oils with different essential oils depending on the treatment," Nadege said. "For something like our Relaxing massage, they might use an oil with lavender, sweet orange, ylang ylang, chamomile, rose, jasmine or frankincense for the ultimate calming treatment. And for our Energising massage, they might opt for something citrusy to help boost your energy.”
“Sweet almond is really great for nourishing and protecting the skin. If you have sensitive skin, massage oils containing Jojoba are a good choice. Bear in mind that lots of massage oils contain nuts, so always check the ingredients before buying, and if you do have a nut allergy, opt for Grapeseed oil.”
“To create a relaxing atmosphere, lavender, sweet orange, ylang ylang, chamomile, rose, jasmine, frankincense are always a really great option. If you’re shopping for your own oils, we always recommend buying pre-blended massage oils that have the exact right amount of essential oil in them.”
1. Best body massage oil overall
Why we love it: Made from 98% natural ingredients and scented with bergamot essential oils, this My Viv massage oil is all you need for a luxurious, non-greasy massage. Simply pour a small amount into the palm of your hands and you're ready to use alone or with a partner. It also contains Jojoba, Bitter Orange and Ylang Ylang.
Great for relieving tension and helping your body recover if you're active, massages should be carried out regularly if you're active. What's more, massage also boasts countless mental health benefits. According to Nadege Louvet, Urban's Global Head of Community and a Quality and Massage Therapist with more than fifteen years' of experience, it "reduces the symptoms of anxiety, stress and insomnia by reducing the levels of our stress hormone cortisol, and increases the production of endorphins which gives your mood a boost.
“It can also stimulate the autonomic system,” she continued, “which regulates our involuntary body functions by lowering down the heart rate, digestion, breathing. A massage can also boost blood flow and supports your lymphatic system that fight infection and illness.”
That's before we even consider the fact that carrying out massage at home will help you feel closer to your partner, both physically and mentally. The moral of the story? If you can't afford to spend on massage at your local spa on the reg, massage at home is something we should all be getting on board with. And the best massage oils will help to take things to the next level.
The best massage oils at a glance:

My Viv Bergamot Massage Oil - 100ml

WELEDA Stretch Mark Massage Oil

Gya Labs Relaxing Massage Oil

Botanics Massage Oil Ylang Ylang & Mandarin 100ml
What are the benefits of using a massage oil?
“A massage oil helps the hands to glide without friction on the muscles,” Nadege told us, helping you achieve smooth movements over the body. “Organic oils are always a good option, things like Grapeseed oil are natural, safe for people with nut allergies, and not too expensive.”
What to look out for in a massage oil
“Urban pros will often use oils with different essential oils depending on the treatment," Nadege said. "For something like our Relaxing massage, they might use an oil with lavender, sweet orange, ylang ylang, chamomile, rose, jasmine or frankincense for the ultimate calming treatment. And for our Energising massage, they might opt for something citrusy to help boost your energy.”
“Sweet almond is really great for nourishing and protecting the skin. If you have sensitive skin, massage oils containing Jojoba are a good choice. Bear in mind that lots of massage oils contain nuts, so always check the ingredients before buying, and if you do have a nut allergy, opt for Grapeseed oil.”
“To create a relaxing atmosphere, lavender, sweet orange, ylang ylang, chamomile, rose, jasmine, frankincense are always a really great option. If you’re shopping for your own oils, we always recommend buying pre-blended massage oils that have the exact right amount of essential oil in them.”
On that note, scroll down to shop GLAMOUR's edit of the best massage oils – pre-blended – for every hydration level, budget and scent.
1. Best body massage oil overall

My Viv Bergamot Massage Oil - 100ml
Why we love it: Made from 98% natural ingredients and scented with bergamot essential oils, this My Viv massage oil is all you need for a luxurious, non-greasy massage. Simply pour a small amount into the palm of your hands and you're ready to use alone or with a partner. It also contains Jojoba, Bitter Orange and Ylang Ylang.