Holy crap AFC! Didn't you get the message in the previous post that you started about Dundonald??? http://www.massageplanet.net.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=198382
Just go try it out for yourself! Come back and write a review. Odds are you will have folks contributing to your thread that may provide you with some better insight.
Are you really that much of a cheap ass that you can't afford $40? If so, then you're in the wrong hobby my friend.
I hope you understand that practically everyone on this board already assumes you are a cop fishing for info and that you have Dundonald in your crosshairs.
You're asking for the names and looks of attendants and, essentially, what extras they provide. In my opinion, you're probably looking for the surefire bet, the attendant who looks the best and will give you the most in extras. Dude, that's pretty much the holy grail of this hobby. There's no fun in it if you happen to find it on your first search.
Either go try for yourself and come back and report, or Fu#k off (if you're a cop), or remain a lurker. I suggest you try it out my friend. Worst case scenario: if you don't like what you see, then walk out. No harm in that.