I took a day off work not too long ago and thought what the heck, I'll try La Bellia (1904 Danforth Ave, just w of Woodbine). Mid-afternoon, cold day, not much going on in the area. Was greeted by Rose, lovely Korean lady I'm guessing mid-20's. Nice large breasts (C or maybe D), average to slim build otherwise (not a hard body but definitely quite attractive, in my opinion). Nice face too, maybe not a classic beauty queen but still pretty. She was extremely pleasant, English a bit broken but so what, she was very nice to me, and for $80 (40 + 40) got a pretty good massage (not quite RMT but it helped my back a bit) plus topless (a beautiful sight to behold). She did allow some touching and I did a bit of that, but I didn't want to be a total pig about it. I don't know exactly which days she works or who else works there (she was alone at the time) but I'm guessing Rose is there at least some weekdays. I also don't know rates for other options as all I could afford was the 80. For phone # etc, consult Romeo's list or NOW/eye/Sun. Can't think of anything else to say except treat her nicely and I think you will have fun. Hope this helps.