Prostitution is just like porn, when people want to fight it they need a victim, so they talk about how harmful porn is to children, and how we need to stamp it out for the protection of the children.
Like I said earlier in the post it's an unlikely coalition of evangelicals, feminist, liberals, conservatives, and of course good writers selling magazine articles that make out sex slavery out to be more than it is so they can sell magazines, and push the agenda.
Of course sex slavery occurs in 3rd world countries, and to some intent in the United States, but I don't think it occurs to the extent we are being told, if fact these articles have a hard time supporting their evidence when you look closely at the evidence.
There are some that tell us all prostitutes are handled to a certain extent, that almost all of them have pimps, padrotes, or handlers and nobody engaged in prostitution is free...even if they think they are free. I find this doubtful?
A scam I came across that is being played everyday in Tijuana is something I heard about from other sex workers, and read about it while searching the web. I came across some pimp site, and some pimp now in Tijuana was doing this well known scam" ( it's nobody from this site)
They would approach an English speaking bar girl and buy her a drink. And very quickly because he didn't want to waste his money on drinks, as it's very important not to look like a chump who is only after a girl pussy.( he wouldn't fuck these girls either) He would ask her if she wanted to come to America on a visa? If she said yes, he would explain that he would marry her, and bring her to America. But that he wanted something more, that we wanted a business they could both do in America, but it would cost before they could get married and come to America to start the business......that the Mexican chica would have to continue to prostitute herself out, and they would pool their money to start the business. In reality it would be her money, and the pimp would hold it....and when the chica would wise up, he would take the money and try the scam again on some other unsuspecting girl! Like a telemarketer the pimp would run this by chica after chica until someobody would fall for it.
That scam has already been played out with all the variations as it's very doubtful that a pimp could get a chica to bite, but I guess you never know?
Hell when a chica tells me she wants to come to America with me and be my novia, I talk shit back with similar scam like talk,,,,but it's only just talk as we both are fooling around.
Like I said earlier in the post it's an unlikely coalition of evangelicals, feminist, liberals, conservatives, and of course good writers selling magazine articles that make out sex slavery out to be more than it is so they can sell magazines, and push the agenda.
Of course sex slavery occurs in 3rd world countries, and to some intent in the United States, but I don't think it occurs to the extent we are being told, if fact these articles have a hard time supporting their evidence when you look closely at the evidence.
There are some that tell us all prostitutes are handled to a certain extent, that almost all of them have pimps, padrotes, or handlers and nobody engaged in prostitution is free...even if they think they are free. I find this doubtful?
A scam I came across that is being played everyday in Tijuana is something I heard about from other sex workers, and read about it while searching the web. I came across some pimp site, and some pimp now in Tijuana was doing this well known scam" ( it's nobody from this site)
They would approach an English speaking bar girl and buy her a drink. And very quickly because he didn't want to waste his money on drinks, as it's very important not to look like a chump who is only after a girl pussy.( he wouldn't fuck these girls either) He would ask her if she wanted to come to America on a visa? If she said yes, he would explain that he would marry her, and bring her to America. But that he wanted something more, that we wanted a business they could both do in America, but it would cost before they could get married and come to America to start the business......that the Mexican chica would have to continue to prostitute herself out, and they would pool their money to start the business. In reality it would be her money, and the pimp would hold it....and when the chica would wise up, he would take the money and try the scam again on some other unsuspecting girl! Like a telemarketer the pimp would run this by chica after chica until someobody would fall for it.
That scam has already been played out with all the variations as it's very doubtful that a pimp could get a chica to bite, but I guess you never know?
Hell when a chica tells me she wants to come to America with me and be my novia, I talk shit back with similar scam like talk,,,,but it's only just talk as we both are fooling around.