OK, we're going here, aren't we?
I love 'em all at E4A too.
Akira: I've got a Rash, O Mon she is the only cure.
Sakura: I'd love to Suck Her Uhhh delicious breasts.
Momo: reminds me I'm not a Homo.
Cherri: Speaks for itself.
Mei: I just "may" chase her around the massage table and play Twister with her.
Eri: her pussy's so tight, it's anything but "airy."
Erika, yeah, we are repeating ourselves, we know: unlike Erika Kane, she takes the prize every year.
Yuri: Yur in for a nice's right here in my pants.
Rose: your stem may be thorny but you make me so horny.
Jun: I'd fuck her right into July.
Blossom: ...ahhh, Blossom, who loves ya, baby. Lil Otis keeps asking when he's gonna see you again. Shhhhh...I'm remembering something...yeah...
OK, back to the task at hand:
Jane: me Tarzan, baby.
Nikki: there's a girl I'd like to licky.
Silver: so much better than going for the gold.
Jinny: makes my cock go to maxi from mini.
Chloe: those firm titties look anything but doughy.
Kana: so delicious I'd drink a can a her any time.
Mila: sure hope my Mila-age won't vary.
Olga: produces a river of cum to rival the Volga.
Tanya: there's nothing you can do that would make me want to ban ya.
Samantha: makes me purr like a panther.
Dasha: makes you feel like a king or perhaps a Pasha.
Tiffany: saw her as Belle in "Beauty and the Beast." Great set of pipes.
Nelly: a pussy so delicious, the furthest thing from "smelly."
Lisa: there's one I'd like a piece-a.
Eva: if it's good vs. Eva, good can go fuck itself.
Lana: makes me feel like a real Man-a.
Maya: makes my cock go higher and higher.
Today's program was brought to you by the letter "S", because without "S" a shill is just another thing you have to climb.