Overweight woman in Glasgow goes to her doctor. She was told to try a new eating regime. "I want you to eat regularly for two days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for two weeks. You should lose about five pounds."
When she returned, he was shocked to see she had, in fact, lost more than two stone, and he asked if she had followed his directions.
"Aye, doctor," she told him, "But ah thought ah wiz goin' to drop doon deid on the third day."
"What, from hunger?" he asked.
"No," she told him, "from the bloody skippin'."
(no idea if the glasgow part is relevant - I just copied it from another forum)
When she returned, he was shocked to see she had, in fact, lost more than two stone, and he asked if she had followed his directions.
"Aye, doctor," she told him, "But ah thought ah wiz goin' to drop doon deid on the third day."
"What, from hunger?" he asked.
"No," she told him, "from the bloody skippin'."
(no idea if the glasgow part is relevant - I just copied it from another forum)