This apology is directed to people that sent messages to me about the chicas party. I was able to respond to quite a few but not all that wrote. I would have preferred to respond to each person individually before the party but with the arrangements that needed to be made time did not permit. I am sorry , and I will try to respond even after this party was over.
I'd want to attempt another one of these in the future, but I don't know when.
I like to change up some of the guests each time and grow the party each time ,if possible. This time space was the limiting factor.
I think that all attending had an enjoyable time. As I promised I will post a little bit on the party here. I hope that others will submit something about their experience as well.
Not all that attended are massageplanet members so we will not hear from all participants.
I'd want to attempt another one of these in the future, but I don't know when.
I like to change up some of the guests each time and grow the party each time ,if possible. This time space was the limiting factor.
I think that all attending had an enjoyable time. As I promised I will post a little bit on the party here. I hope that others will submit something about their experience as well.
Not all that attended are massageplanet members so we will not hear from all participants.