As a tourist, visiting TJ coming from San Diego the situation is a bit different from what I can read in the threats posted from americans who are familiar with this part of the world.
It's very easy to go to Tijuana. Just take the Trolley "Blue line" from Downtown San Diego direction San Ysidro. It will cost $ 4.50 for the two ways. Take a seat in this train and try to relax, since it takes about 45 min from there. The people in the train will come and go and at the end, there are mostly spanish speaking folks in there. It's a special entertainment by itself. I enjoyed it several times.
Arriving at the border just follow the crowd the long way over the bridge to cross the freeway into Mexico. You will first see some american perhaps some mexican officials, but no one will ask you something. I took the door to Mexico in the East. From there it was like 500 m to reach the bus to "Centro". They charged me Pesos 3.50 and 10 min later I stood on the Av. Revoluccion.
From there it's just 2 min to walk to RLD - I am sure, everyone will find it easyly.
It's a everyday discussion, but IMHO I don't estimate the mexican women in general as beautiful. I entered "Hong Kong", "Chicago" and "Adelitas" an - hey - they girls show very sexy dancing, but the closer you get the more you will be disappointed (sorry, I don't want to hurt anyone, it's just my opinion). Looking in the corner, many girls hang arround in a sad mood.
At the end I walked arround the blocks, where I found like 100 SW. Here, I saw the more beautiful ones (again, IMHO), some dull, others in a good mood. I went to the room with 3 of them and was only happy with one girl. Here name was N....(sorry, for the moment I don't remember her name, if so I will tell you later) She had a open smile from the first minute to the last, she showed emotion and was the only girl I met that really was in to sex. I paid $20 for her (about 20 min, but she never took the watch to have the time) plus $5 for the shabby room. If you meet her, be nice to her so she will be for you and will give you a lot of pleasure.
Going back I took a cab, cots $5 or 50 Pesos (most people just take 1:10 even that it is 1:11, they are mostly nice folks, no bankers). At the border you pass 3 or 4 mexican officials (again no question, no hassle even that i have been a !lonely man") to be at the american controll like 100 m later. Again very easy, you show your passport. That's it.
Conclusion: TJ is a good option being in San Diego: different country with a special atmosphere, cheap girls - but: nothing to compare with what you could get in Europe (Prague, Germany, Spain ..) for comparable prices.
But is was fun anyway (I have some pictures from "my girls", but I won't make them public)