Hello Evista
What would you like to know about this?
Some people with psoriasis respond well to acupuncture treatment, others do not. This is the case with any condition and any medicine!
I have treated psoriasis only a few times. If the patient is using steroid based creams, there is a process of needing to come off the steroids in order to effectively treat the condition (steroids are a suppressant). This often results in things seeming to get worse before they get better. This can be very dis-heartening for the patient and sometimes they will return to the steroid creams to make it seem better. This is totally understandable, but it can be a frustrating time for both patient and practitioner!
When the underlying causes of the psoriasis are addressed (often deep-seated emotional issues), the condition can clear up completely.
I used to have psoriasis mildly in my late teens. It cleared up when I started having acupuncture treatment.