I really need some advice on what qualifications i would need to become a thearpist in holistic treatments.
I would really like to do Indian Head massage, Colour Thearpy and maybe Reflexology.
In the future i would love my own business(more than likely mobile) in one or all of the above, but i don't know what i would need to take to become fully qualified? Would i have to do a degree? I know my local college offers IHM and Reflexology in VTCT but im not sure what that is?
I would be more than grateful for any advice on this.
Thanks in advance.
I really need some advice on what qualifications i would need to become a thearpist in holistic treatments.
I would really like to do Indian Head massage, Colour Thearpy and maybe Reflexology.
In the future i would love my own business(more than likely mobile) in one or all of the above, but i don't know what i would need to take to become fully qualified? Would i have to do a degree? I know my local college offers IHM and Reflexology in VTCT but im not sure what that is?
I would be more than grateful for any advice on this.
Thanks in advance.