SPINELF, and anyone else who has had a positive experience with Martin Knight... please can you message me directly re. your experiences! I'm at the end of the rope. Since 1996 my back has 'gone' every three years or so โ but this always settled down with bed rest and Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. Each episode would be triggered by bending down too sharply or twisting a certain way. However, in November 2010 I was walking, seized up and things got worse from there. Ended up in hospital on 09/11/10, but after three days on an orthopaedic mattress and medication I was discharged and I was getting back to normal. Degenerative Disc Disease was diagnosed, the disc at L5/S1. The disc is dehydrated. On 22/11/10 I decided to have a private physiotherapy session to keep on top of the situation, but the next day woke in agony (I'm concerned that this physio session made things worse, not better). Since November I've had constant lower back pain - nothing like the minor episodes I used to experience. I had to grimace through Christmas Day, and ended up back in hospital on Boxing Day because I couldn't tolerate the pain any longer. I was on Morphine in the hospital, but they discharged me three days later and told me to get back in touch if things hadn't settled in six weeks. The pain never went, and is still here. I'm on Diclofenic, Codeine and Diazepam. Can't take Tramadol or Dihydracodeine as I'm severely allergic to these. I can't sleep in a normal bed โ I've had to buy an orthopaedic bed (one which bends), and sleep on my back. I can't stand up, sit or walk far without the pain kicking in. Sometimes the pain is confined to my lower back, sometimes I get an ache between my shoulder blades, pains in buttocks, thighs, down to knees, sometimes down to feet. The area at L5/S1 feels highly unstable. It takes me a long time to get into bed, for fear of disc slipping and getting that indescribable pain which happens when disc slips. I've been to see three consultants. One told me to go away and do yoga and swimming (Yeah, I can't even get on the floor to do any exercises or drive to the swimming pool, and if I did get in the pool I'd probably seize up and drown); another told me to see a pain management specialist (but I've since been told that having Cortisone injections can fail and can even damage the surrounding tissues); another consultant looked at my MRI scan and said that an MRI can't show specifically what is going on with the nerves, and told me to get back in touch when I was 'at the end of the road' (great help). I'm on the waiting list for a spinal fusion, but this scares me greatly (I've read about the complications, risks and the fact that it may not address any trapped nerve problems). I've just turned 40, but I'm living like an invalid. I used to be very active (gym, socialising, travelling, etc), but can't do any of this any more. I have had to give up work (desk-bound) because I can't sit in a chair for long periods, I used to go to a lot of business meetings but can't stay anywhere overnight as I need to sleep in an orthopaedic bed, and no hotels have them. I had to hold my 40th birthday party in the house, and spend a lot of that time in my orthopaedic bed. I have three children, and am reliant on family and friends to run around after me and them. If my disc is empty of fluid, what can be done? I'm very scared about the future, and scared of never being able to do the things I used to do. I am seeing Martin Knight for an initial appointment, and I'm hoping he will be able to do something for me. Is it too much to hope to be pain-free and back to how I was before? What are the chances of getting back to normal life? I'm scared of any kind or surgery, but the Endoscopic Lumbar Decompression surgery has been suggested to me. How can this procedure deal with a dehydrated disc and/or trapped nerve(s)? How can I be sure that I will recover from this debilitating condition? Any advice/suggestions would be gratefully received.