on my way out of whiskeys a gogo i see this flyer on my car....i throw it away and wonder why this crap is on my windshield....i go there anyways, what a mistake that was, i was greeted by quite an attractive attendant, i asked her if there was any spanish girls there tonight and she said that she was and thought WOW but i was soon to be shocked about what came out of her mouth. she didnt introduce herself to me but she did say that if i wanted to stay with her it will cost me 300.00 dollars....i said "for what" all i want is a message with a NR or BS thats no where near 300.00 dollars she said that i was wasting her time so get the F out of her spa...i wanted to smash her in her blonde spanish face but i said to myself what for....this is the reason why i dont want to go to AMAZON SPA anymore, cause of people like that, what happened to the nice people that worked massage parlours... that was happy to make a client even a regular like myself, cause if the massage was good i will be going back again and again. because she was young she thought she was hot but you know what," i cant and will not be that horny to pay that price to any girl"