that was funny, what was even funnier was when the chick just sauntered off oblivious to what she just did.....
You can look at this two ways:
1) SHould the guy have just stopped her and said "hey I was waiting for that spot"? (then pissed in her car when she said "too fucking bad"
2) Should he just have gone off on his merry way? (then you get into if he didn't say anything this chick would never learn).
The one thing I DO hate is when you're waiting for a spot, patiently while the person does a 97 point turn to get out of the spot and just as you're about to pull in, someone drives through from the other side. One thing about having a big F150 4 x 4 you can simply say to them (if they don't move): I've got a tow chain, if you don't move back I'll move you back...."....(luckily most people see what they did and back out). One time I started to drive forward and got within an inch of their bumper before they got the picture....