Tantric massage is a style of massage or bodywork that draws on the principles of tantra. In the West, tantric massage involves massaging and stimulating the full body with particular focus on sensitive areas like the penis and vulva. It's sometimes referred to as simply
an erotic massage, although a tantra massage also incorporates breathwork, meditation, and mindfulness elements and is
not necessarily sexual. Tantric massage also has a spiritual and energetic component, wherein the practitioner or giver helps move the receiver's energy throughout the body to promote inner healing.
What happens during a tantra massage offered at a massage studio or spa center will vary greatly depending on the facility.
In general, tantric massage involves massaging and stimulating a person's full body, including
genitalia, while doing
meditation, and other spiritual practices or energy work. Some forms of tantric massage include the
yoni massage (focused on the vulva), the
lingam massage (focused on the penis), and massaging the s
acred spot (aka the prostate).
Tantric massage can also be practiced
at home with a partner and can be a way to introduce a slower, more intentional, and more intimate form of sexuality into a couple's sex life.
These are the most essential elements of a tantra massage:
- For the recipient, being able to receive pleasure without feeling compelled to reciprocate.
- For the giver, being willing to provide pleasure without the need of the same in return.
- For the giver, learning to read the partner's body language and understanding the importance of touch.
- For both, forgetting about time.
- Each partner having a strong desire to please the other.
- Strong personal hygiene in preparation for the experience.
In a MP environment is mostly a way of getting teased for an hour, sometimes they want extra $$$$ to make you come. If you want the real experience, FIND A REAL PRACTICIONER !!!! ()