I had a seitai treatment last night and I find it hard to describe! It's a body treatment that resets/adjusts you in various ways. It has loosened up some very stiff bits in my neck and shoulders and should be able to help sort out my wonky pelvis. There were some incredibly tender pressure points and moves and I can't say it was relaxing but it freed me up. The therapist also did some kinesiology on me and confirmed that my body doesn't like wheat or dairy. Neither does it like honey, oranges or chocolate - boo hiss!
Seitai can remove not just physical blocks but also emotional ones. I feel a bit grot today, and last night when I got home we had a row ! I often feel sensitive and emotional after any therapy, you should see me after aromatherapy!! Still, I am a firm believer in better out than in so I go with it.
This site tells you more about seitai http://seitaiho.net/seitaiho/PagesEng/seitai/seitaiway.htm
Seitai can remove not just physical blocks but also emotional ones. I feel a bit grot today, and last night when I got home we had a row ! I often feel sensitive and emotional after any therapy, you should see me after aromatherapy!! Still, I am a firm believer in better out than in so I go with it.
This site tells you more about seitai http://seitaiho.net/seitaiho/PagesEng/seitai/seitaiway.htm