I just checked them out. They appear brand new. It looks like they are different from many of the other massage directories in that they only will allow one therapist per zip code for around $80 a year. They also have a web site offer.
The question is how well they will rank when someone searches for massage in your area. There are a lot of other companies already established with good search engine rankings, so who knows if it would be worth it?
It is kind of funny because there have been a rash of companies coming out where they will only take one therapist per city or zip code. So although you will not have direct competition from someone using the same service, you will have the competition of all the other companies who have taken on a therapist for your area. Not to mention the fact that so many therapists are very competent at developing their own massage web sites that rank very well at the search engines. It all leads me to wonder how valuable it is to be exclusive with one of these companies.