Anyone work nursing homes assisted living etc.
I've been working with a patient in a nursing home for the past 2 months who had a stroke last Jan. I had given his wife a massg. a yr. or so ago when I worked in a salon, and so she hired me. The administrator of the nursing home approached me to see if I was interested in doing massg for other families who have loved ones there. He is breaking new ground and we have an appt. to talk next wk. I am very concerned about a lot of issues that I will bring up at our meeting. :-/Things like: 1. Cleanliness, is it wrong for me to only want to work on freshly bathed cts? 2. Liability. If I remain an independent contractor, which I would, who is liable if a pt. or family member gets upset about a treatment? 3. Table. Since I'd be an independent contractor, do I bring my table or should they supply one?4. Would I be within my rights to insist that a family member or staff be present with those who are not fully cognizant?Any of you who have had any experience with these issues and may have some good questions for me to ask and to consider, pls. reply.Just to clarify. Working in a nursing home is NOT my passion. In fact, it would've been the last place I would've considered. I see this as an adjunct to my home-based business, and my traveling spa. However, I want to keep my options open, and opportunities to meet more people. I have found it rewarding to work on my ct. each wk. but want to walk through this door very carefully. I would love to hear the pros and cons.