Maybe you think you're a lonely guy
Maybe you think you're too tough to cry ...
I don't really understand the question, but contrary to popular belief I've never fallen for ( in love ) with an mpa. Problem is, that we are human & they are human. There will be some that hate their jobs and some that like it to a large extent. I'd venture to say that in almost every-case the bottom line is money. I would think with both parties being human that its impossible to say that no emotion at all, becomes involved. On one extreme, I really doubt that they are going to have positive feelings toward guys who are pushy & disrespectful. The other extreme, being that I highly doubt many MPA's, like guys who develop, "stalker tendencies", intruding on their personal space, and don't respect the fact that they are working.
I tend to stay with the mpa's that keep things simple, don't over do the bullshit, and have a more down to earth, genuine approach. I recently had a slight wake up call. As much as I like to think I can stay on top of myself and question things. It was nothing heavy and I got over it in less than 24 hours. It really was trivial, but I had slipped into that grey zone, if only on a very minor level.
Does that mean, I now think all MPA's are money grabbing phonies. Fuck no. I'm too young to become a full pledged bitter, disgruntled cynic ... yet. It just means, I'll continue to try and keep a realistic perspective, which is, that when dealing with humans, you will come across a wide variety of personalities. That combined with the fact that in essence it is a business transaction and the primary focus of that is to satisfy my needs on some level, and to what those needs are, which is primarily physical.
One of my firsts post on was my ramblings about not wanting to become desensitised and I intend to stick with that.
A message to mpa's ...
For me, at least I prefer not to be lied to. There is a slight difference between a lie and fantasy. I don't want to be told stuff like "I only do this with you, baby" I don't want to be told that you will email me your cell phone #, when you have no intention of doing so etc. For me, at least I don't got to MP's looking for an outside relationship, and at most would only want it on a friend basis, but even that is not why I go to mp's. If you tell me that I have blue eyes, ok np, coz I do, but saying my dick is big is obviously just a lie ... hehe ... that was just an example ... ahem ... If you tell me I have a zit on my ass, then I'll thank you for it, because I wasn't aware and now I can squish it. Anyway, my point is, in my case at least I don't want to be outright lied to. I know that's a hard line to draw, but respect goes both ways ... I don't lie to you ...
So, having said that, although having not "fallen" for an mpa, I do like some of them, as people, and would go so far as to say, care about them, just as I would any person, I think is cool ...