Absolutely charge what you are worth. If you charge below that people will assume that is what you are worth. 45 dollars was the going rate for one hour with a qualified masseur in Australia in 1990. Sixty is a fair price now. The only reason to consider charging someone less is if they employ your services on a regular basis. You might then lower the price to 50 dollars because they are a faithful client, and you can rely on income from them, but I wouldn't advertise this. Now you are qualified this is your job, and friends should respect this also.
If you have been trained in professional behaviour, there is no reason a male should find it harder to attract clients. This is absolute frogsh.. ! I personally prefer a male therapist because they are generally stronger. Make sure you are registered with a professional body, as this will make you more attractive to prospective clients, and allows you to promote yourself more widely especially on government health practitioner websites. Get professional indemnity insurance. Get a table custom made to the correct height to save yourself from back problems. Then charge what you are worth and build good word of mouth.
I always prefer a therapist who is generous with their time so you don't feel rushed, professional and prepared, knows their technique, and how to create a relaxing environment. If you can provide this, you are giving value for money.