Male massage therapists often have trouble finding clients, as some men choose only women to give them massages and many females are also uncomfortable with men. If you are a straight male, would you feel comfortable if you signed up for a massage at a local clinic, undressed to your underwear, only to see a male therapist walk in with his bottle of oil, ready to massage you? When this first happened to me, it felt a little weird, but then I relaxed and enjoyed the massage a lot. I've been going back to the male therapist ever since and I no longer have a problem...the only issue sometimes is getting an involuntary erection, but even when he sees it, he just ignores my erect penis. Since it's very common for men to get an erection during a massage, maybe this is why so many of us are uncomfortable with using a male therapist; we don't want him to get the wrong idea of us, when he sees us erect.