I have to admit most of my posts are about B & S. But that's because I like the mpas, managers, price, service, cleanliness, location and relaxed atmosphere there. Unlike other places I feel comfortable to loiter around a bit afterwards and talk to the staff.
I frequent this place because of its convineance (location for me), knowing that there is a standardized tipping scheme is also a big plus, Hey its the best experiences that I've had for $120 on a consistant basis. Plus there are many attractive mpas there that I often repeat with.
As far as T.O. goes I've tried 5 places downtown and was usually disappointed (see my earliest posts). Once I found a place that had attractive women at a good price.
If anybody has suggestions about places that you can get a BS and 45 min massage for less than $120 from attractive women who have good personalites/attitudes and the location suits me I'd be more than happy to try them. But if it ain't broke why fix it is my opinion.
Sure I don't post about other places but I try to give as many reviews of different mpas as I can as my contribution to this board.
As for the website.... I could see that it was a highly discussed topic so since I had info that I thought other people would like I decided to post it.
I'm not offended in the least and I can understand why someone might wonder about my posts. But maybe you could look at it this way. An mp must be pretty good if I'm taking my own time to rave about it. The only thing I have to gain from my posts is the survival of a place that I enjoy. Furthermore, I want to give back to the review board that turned me onto the place in the first place.
Anyways, I welcome any suggestions for places that can meet all the criteria that mentioned.