Mineral oils
Most parents wouldn't think twice about leaving a bottle of baby oil on the changing mat, but such is the concern about this product in America, that new regulations have just been set in place there to ensure that bottles are always fitted with childproof caps. This also applies to sunscreens and bath oils, which like baby oil contain ten per cent or more hydrocarbon, a watery mineral oil.
If ingested, mineral oil can coat the lungs and cause a deadly form of chemical pneumonia. The main concern about hydrocarbons is that, if they are swallowed, a child then chokes and breathes it into their lungs.
Deaths in the US caused by hydrocarbon poisoning have been rare (five children have died from 1993 to date, three of them from baby oil). However, much larger numbers have to be admitted to casualty (6,400 children between 1997 to 1999). In the UK there is little general knowledge about the health problems associated with accidental ingestion of this oil in personal care products, which is sometimes referred to as 'liquid Vaseline', and there are no requirements that products should have safety caps.
Make it safe: Keep mineral oils out of the reach of children. If your child does accidentally consume a product that contains hydrocarbon, it's very important that you don't try to induce them to vomit, as this makes inhalation more likely. Seek medical attention immediately.
If it can do that to youngsters it does not sound all that healthy to me .