There are a few yoga postures that may assist.
Lie down on the floor and take your hands out to the sides (like a cross) then take your knees into your chest as you exhale, then gently take the knees together over to the left side, inhaling then exhale take the knees towards the floor or allow them to rest on the floor, and relax with the knees on the floor or as near as you can manage. using the breath as you inhale, exhale and allow the torso to twist more so the knees go nearer the ground. notice how the side of the waist feels and inhale then exhale and let the body release further. stay for 30 secs to 2 minutes depending of course on how comfortable you feel. bring the knees back to centre (forgot to mention when the knees are on the left, the eyes and head turn to look over opposite (right shoulder) so when knees are down on right side turn the head and look out across the fingers/arm of the opposite (left this time) side.
now to go further if you managed this ok, still lying down release the legs to the floor, now bend the left knee, foot flat on floor then take the right leg and cross it over the left, so you are crossed legged. now using the arms to pressurise against the floor gently lift up the buttocks and you are going to gently bring the hips up and place the left side/hipbone on the floor so the body begins to twist, taking the left leg/with crossed over right leg over to the left side, this brings a greater twist and rotation and will help to correct spinal misalignment if you have a trapped nerve etc. the back may click but just work with the breath. this is a very natural motion and the spine is very flexible. work with the exhalation and if you feel tense just allow the exhalation to soften the spine. remain for 30 secs - 2 mins however long you feel comfortable, remember to look over the opposite shoulder. use the hands to pressurise against the floor to come back to centre then change over legs, cross left over right now and do again.
you can intensify this further still depending on your level of flexibility by double crossing the legs, so wrap the right leg round the top of left knee then wrap it round the thigh so the legs are locked, this greatly increases the twist. if you want any more advise then please feel free to email me.
I will add that painkillers do not rectify the problem and if untreated back pain due to misaligned discs/vertebrae etc can lead to lifelong problems when it can be quite easily treated through yoga and other stretching and manipulation activities. Chiropracters are good to but you can Do it yourself if you know how. let me know how you get on.
best wishes