I searched the proper forum, and find no mention of address other than Bee Cave (sometimes near/off Mopac). No mention of Bee Cave Wood Rd, not mention of street address.
There are two entries refering to DeDe, none for DiDi, and only one of those with the advertised phone number.
One article I read mentions matching phone to ad on CL. No remaining ads for them this morning, nor had I seen them on CL for quite some time. Still ads on BP non-Adult this morning. They have always posted the full address, including suite number, even though you can't "walk-in".
Google search by phone only shows a directory listing on an AMP site, and the reviews here on massageplanet.
Soo.... Is it a bad suggestion to maybe put phone numbers for these places in ROS? We don't use outward specifics for RMT's or dancers due to license/job protection, yet these places operate under license as well.