This is the list as translated by Google Language Tools.... INTERESTING RESULTS!?
Remember the translation is NOT perfect and of course extremely literal. What I mean is if this was the reverse our idiom of "under the weather" would make absolutely no sense to them, yet to us it has a very clear meaning. You will see quite clearly below.
Miss Beijing Freelance Telephone Directory Beijing telephone greatly entire:
0001 Miss Wang 13601276134 is exposed to the sun Miss yes
0003 Li 13641349967, 64215106 is exposed to the sun yes
0004 Cai Miss 13051888337 yes
0005 Beijing 13691078040 no
0007 Ma Miss 13161348868 oceans bridges yes
0008 Wang Miss 13681043656 Miss no
0009 cloud patterns 13647304106 yes
0010 Yang 13051933354, 64009603 Dianmen yes
0011 Li eyebrow 13693236722 no
0012 snows 13051151998 sturdy pine trees mouths yes
0013 snows 13651153006 no
0014 Liu Miss 13901137374 no
0015 Liu red 13654730196 no
0016 summers Miss 13161045138 no
0017 Zhang Miss 13691006489 Shanghai no
0018 Zhang Miss 13683678952 Miss no
0019 Wang 13501112264 countries unfolds yes
0020 Liu Miss 13511067119 no
0021 Zhang Miss 13801136578 no
00230000 Miss 13511076217 yes
0025 Zhang Miss 13511002066 no
0026 Li vase bottle 13703215615 yes
0027 warm enlightens 13681262765 no
0028 Qiu 13910936720 Haidian
0029 kings 13871293106
0030 kings 13681043656
0032 Xie Miss 13501233757200
0033 Chen Miss 13021905302
0034 Liu elegant 1368152069 Chaoyang 300
0035 Wang Miss 62397220 north sand beaches
0036 Jiang Miss 62341183
0037 Wang Miss 13910207544 Pan homeland
0038 luxuriant 13673541415600
0039 Liu Miss 13681056004600
0040 Zhao Miss 62322619
0041 Li Miss 1307224676213920238262
0042 Miss Chen 13681056004 (study Miss 生 yes 600
0043 Liu 88460683 Miss 13910434731
0046 Miss Zhu 13681320047
004713911578971 (student)
0048 ancient Li 96568 shouts 922576300
0051 nets names in in the neighborhood of Sijiqing's country US Telegraphic Transmission 0044 Beijing land 13691078040 PAUSE 0045 Wang calls to like eating is not is wrong 1, 3, 6, 9, 3, 1, 8, 9, 6, 2, 4500
0052 land 谣 13691256267
00531, 3613, 293276
0054 summers forests 13641149076
0055 week Li 1, 391132, 0242
0056 Miss Cao 1, 36, 51, 01, 21, 38 Fengtai
0058 Liu dream 13683164535
0059 Jin Miss 13021046512 south three links
0061 Miss Ye 13661261940 proclaims military
0062 Miss Zhang 13651122888