Hi Sarah
We as well as everything else are made up of the Universal energy, but because our energy channels, chakras and our auras are not visible as say a leg or an arm then they are not looked after in the same way, if you cannot see or sense the colour of the energy or a tear in the aura or many other imbalances that will have a direct affect on the state of the physical/emotional then it will not normally come into the health and well-being of most peoples comprehension so it is ignored.
Energy workers/healers and there are quite a few variants about look after this side of things and during an energy treatment we generally cleanse, balance, unblock, activate and energise the energy pathways and auras of the person or whatever else we are helping with the energy, often we remove stagnant or some people prefer to think of it as negative energy and replace it with fresh vibrant energy, some energy workers also channel information during a session and others will have the sight and again some almost entirely leave it to the energy to do whatever is right for the recipient but we all strive to do the best we can.
Most forms of Reiki works through the crown chakra and the energy passes down to your heart chakra and then down each arm to the chakras in the centre of your hands which is where we mostly channel the energy out of, but with Kundalini Reiki the base chakra is opened to allow the energy to travel up to your heart chakra making use of the Kundalini fire route whilst still drawing energy through the crown chakra.
Chios works a little different as it does not enter the same way it literally is drown from everywhere at the same time though I do sense a lot of it travelling up the legs as in Kundalini Reiki though the practice is different in use and the feel of the energy is different.
If you go back onto my site and press the Gaia-Now button and fill in the form at the bottom I will send you the Gaia-Now energy attunement which will give you a better insight into energy work and working with the universal energy, it is very enjoyable and rewarding work