LMAO talk about a CLM.....guess we'll be seeing him doing the weather in BF alaska lol...
what a knob.....
I just want to remind everyone: the difference between a hero and a villian depends on what side you're on.
I agree SG: our government isn't any better. I think too many have too many of their own personal agendas to effectively govern the people. I think politicians forget that they are supposed to do what's best for the nation as a whole, not their party, not their local constituents, not their state, the C O U N T R Y. State issues should be addressed at the province or state level.....
Take Obama's health plan. Ok, it might not be perfect, but what ever is? I mean hell, the US constitution is far from perfect, hence why you've had so many amendments. I hate to say it but sometimes a dictatorship isn't necessarily a bad thing.