Dropped by late Wednesday night. Had called earlier and was told there was 5 ladies working. When I got there, waited in the room while the Gentleman asked the ladies to "say Hi". I heard him up front, almost begging the girls to go back..It took some coaxing...Only three were now available, including Patricia, Asia. and one other. They came to the door, almost upset.....Didn't even get the one ladies name as she scowled by the door, nodded, said nothing and kept walking. In came the man. I asked if Natasha free...Of course she wasn't....Did not want to risk a massage with disinterested ladies....Left and drove to B and S.
5 ladies there, all excited and friendly when they came in...Settled on Rosa...Just because I read so much. Wow...$50 door plus another $60... all in.... good rub, huge oil, slide, heavy petting, hair pulling and a fricken sore hemmroid (sp) this morning.
Red Hot
Even Redder today.
5 ladies there, all excited and friendly when they came in...Settled on Rosa...Just because I read so much. Wow...$50 door plus another $60... all in.... good rub, huge oil, slide, heavy petting, hair pulling and a fricken sore hemmroid (sp) this morning.
Red Hot
Even Redder today.