Tim Hudak is my buddy :.
Ontarians still mourning the loss of a buck a beer may have a champion in PC Leader Tim Hudak. “Many folks, myself included, look forward to that $24 two-four on the May 24 weekend,” Hudak said Monday. “That is now something that has passed under Dalton McGuinty.”Hudak would not rule out bringing back bargain beer if he wins the fall election.
While the Tories have yet to unveil their election platform, Hudak said he’s looking at all ways to give residents a break including on the price of beer, hydro and HST.
“We are considering all tax options and how to give families a break,” he said.
Just prior to the 2008 holiday season, the Ontario government pushed up the minimum retail price for a case of beer sold in Ontario to $25.60 from $24.
Andrew Chornenky, a spokesman for Finance Minister Dwight Duncan, says in an e-mail that researchers have found a strong link between the cost of alcohol and how much people drink. “Social reference pricing is an effective way to discourage unhealthy levels of consumption,” Chornenky said. “Both the government and LCBO have a strong sense of social responsibility.”
However, he said the minimum retail price for beer was last adjusted to reflect inflation.
Hudak said Ontarians have told him that they don’t like the government soaking them for suds. “I do hear from people you can’t even get a buck a beer in the province any more because of Dalton McGuinty’s policies,” he said.
Ontarians still mourning the loss of a buck a beer may have a champion in PC Leader Tim Hudak. “Many folks, myself included, look forward to that $24 two-four on the May 24 weekend,” Hudak said Monday. “That is now something that has passed under Dalton McGuinty.”Hudak would not rule out bringing back bargain beer if he wins the fall election.
While the Tories have yet to unveil their election platform, Hudak said he’s looking at all ways to give residents a break including on the price of beer, hydro and HST.
“We are considering all tax options and how to give families a break,” he said.
Just prior to the 2008 holiday season, the Ontario government pushed up the minimum retail price for a case of beer sold in Ontario to $25.60 from $24.
Andrew Chornenky, a spokesman for Finance Minister Dwight Duncan, says in an e-mail that researchers have found a strong link between the cost of alcohol and how much people drink. “Social reference pricing is an effective way to discourage unhealthy levels of consumption,” Chornenky said. “Both the government and LCBO have a strong sense of social responsibility.”
However, he said the minimum retail price for beer was last adjusted to reflect inflation.
Hudak said Ontarians have told him that they don’t like the government soaking them for suds. “I do hear from people you can’t even get a buck a beer in the province any more because of Dalton McGuinty’s policies,” he said.