of course i understand your reasoning but there just seems to be so much anti-religious feeling and it would seem that so much of this feeling is directed at what comes over as a certainty about right and wrong that often seems to come from a belief in god.
the funny thing is that the whole basis of buddhism was to be a karma therapy and to challenge the insitutionalised injustices of brahminism by establishing the buddhist middle way; rejecting eternalism (brahman, the universal god and atman, the eternal soul or self) and, on the other hand, rejecting nihhilism (a very postmodern "religion" one could say).
of course, the buddha set up the institution of ordination and further institutions established themselves but, essentially this has little difference sociologically with other societies of practitioners within many therapy systems. the only thing that the buddhist approach has that no other approach has, religious or otherwise, is the philosophical manefesto of refusing to enter into speculation about the nature of what exists but, wrather, to only provide means for the alleviation of suffering. i suppose this makes it a special case.
when it comes to shamanism that you classify as a therapy, the bulk of dictionary definintions describe shamanism as a religion (and none that i can find classify it as a thereapy) and most shamanic traditions believe variously in the existence spirits, deities or enven the one god for example. this would make shamanism more closely religious that therapeutic. it is also false to say that shamanism does not have institutions of societies and rites and rituals that are also all generically common to all religions (and therapies).
i do accept that systems of classifications in any field have to draw artificial lines for the practicalities of convention, but the reason for my starting this string is that i think it useful to try to look a little deeper into what is really going on in peoples minds when they avow: "shamanisms is not a religion, it is its a way of life" or that "religion is the cause of so much war and injustice" or "don't dable... it's dealing with powerful energies that can harm" or "new age therapies are a load of backward superstitions just like religion".
so, over to you dear reader.
peace and love