Bob the Knob
Known Reviewer
OK. Every once in a while a studio is up for sale.
I think we should plan a meeting and set up a shareholders club. Then, Sell shares to members on here so we can buy our own studio.
We would hire the Famous Vivian to run our place, let's call it "Massage Planet", lol.
We would set up a joint RSP program for the ladies to contribute to. Have a medical plan. Set up a contingency fund for betterments and improvements.
The ladies would get bonuses based on the revenue they bring into the studio. Bonuses like gym memberships, trips (possibly with shareholders, ) and so on.
Shareholders would be paid dividends at the end of the year and any of the ladies would have the option of being a shareholder. At any time should any of us want out, we personally sell our shares to someone else, pending shareholder approval.
Our group would consist of professional members who volunteer their expertise to ensure we are running our business to meet standards as required for licensing.
So if we start with 100 members at $1000 each we would have more than enough to get started.
Anyone interested can pm me, haha.
By the way, I want to be in charge of recruitment!What a Happy Ending this story could have
I think we should plan a meeting and set up a shareholders club. Then, Sell shares to members on here so we can buy our own studio.
We would hire the Famous Vivian to run our place, let's call it "Massage Planet", lol.
We would set up a joint RSP program for the ladies to contribute to. Have a medical plan. Set up a contingency fund for betterments and improvements.
The ladies would get bonuses based on the revenue they bring into the studio. Bonuses like gym memberships, trips (possibly with shareholders, ) and so on.
Shareholders would be paid dividends at the end of the year and any of the ladies would have the option of being a shareholder. At any time should any of us want out, we personally sell our shares to someone else, pending shareholder approval.
Our group would consist of professional members who volunteer their expertise to ensure we are running our business to meet standards as required for licensing.
So if we start with 100 members at $1000 each we would have more than enough to get started.
Anyone interested can pm me, haha.
By the way, I want to be in charge of recruitment!What a Happy Ending this story could have