Do not take very hot showers when you're pregnant. You can boil your baby alive.
If you broke your water you'd probably be in labor right now and feeling contractions. Just make sure that she is still moving and use safer showering practices. You still have a few weeks to go until you're supposed to deliver so just be patient. You should also be 34 weeks pregnant before starting perineum massage - and you don't even need to be in the shower to do it. Here is a walkthrough for when you're ready to try this again...
1. Lubricate your fingers well with oil or water-soluble jelly (make sure your fingernails are short). Some people recommend wheat germ oil, available at health food stores, because of its high vitamin E content, but other vegetable oils, such as olive oil or water-based lubricants such as K-Y jelly can also be used. Do not use mineral oil or petroleum jelly. Wash your hands before dipping into the lubricant again.
2. Rub enough oil or jelly into the perineum to allow your fingers to move smoothly over the tissue and lower vaginal wall.
3. If you are doing the massage yourself, it is probably easiest to use your thumb. Your partner can use his index fingers. Put the fingers or thumb well inside the vagina (up to the second knuckle); move them upward along the sides of the vagina in a rhythmic U or sling-type movement. This movement will stretch the vaginal tissue (mucosa), the muscles surrounding the vagina, and the skin of the perineum. You can also massage by rubbing the skin of the perineum between the thumb and forefinger (thumb on the inside, finger on the outside or vice versa). In the beginning, you will feel tight, but with time and practice, the tissue will relax and stretch.
4. Concentrate on relaxing your muscles as you apply pressure. As you become comfortable massaging, increase the pressure just enough to make the perineum begin to sting from the stretching. (This same stinging sensation occurs as the baby’s head is being born at the end of the pushing stage.)
5. It is recommended to do this massage for 5-10 minutes daily from the 34th or 35th week of pregnancy until labor. Check with your caregiver if you have questions.