Don't be worried. You must report your capital gains income only when you sell your stock so if you rarely or never sell, you either don't pay or report anything, or you do it very rarely. Your broker is supposed to send you an IRS form already filled out with the amount you made in capital gains before April 15 (tax day). Filing your taxes is actually very easy. If you work, your employer gives you a form called the W-2 which has the amount you'v been paid in wages for the year and how much taxes were taken out of your paycheck. To file your taxes, you fill out an IRS form 1040. You use your W-2 to state your wages income on the 1040, and also, use the capital gains form from your broker, to state your capital gains income on the 1040. At the end of the 1040, you should know if you overpaid your taxes (in which you'd get a tax refund check HOORAY!) or you'd know if you owe more in taxes. Since you are a dependent though, things are easier for you. Just give the capital gains form to your parents (if you sold stock) and let them take care of it. Even if you work, if you are still a dependent, just give the broker form and the W-2 form to your parents.