Janet,There is an article in the current issue of Massage & Bodywork on CTS that seemed pretty interesting to me.I've never been to one of her continuing education workshops, but I've seen a video done by Kate Montgomery. Here's her website: http://www.sportstouch.com/The video was very good I thought, but I don't think it's available anymore... but she has produced a book or two I for CTS treatment I believe.I think the most interesting thing I ever read about CTS, is that 80% of the people who have CTS have a problem higher up in the neck and shoulder. So, often, treating the wrist and forearm alone is not enough.I recently read some interesting stuff on the net which included an article about CTS at http://www.appliedmotorcontrol.com. that gets you off to a good start on your CTS paper, if I think of other books or videos, I'll let you know.